Producing the lion’s share of trees which are used to green public sites and are distributed to village families all over Armenia, Karin Nursery was ATP’s first tree nursery and continues to be the largest producer of trees and seedlings. The nursery has four greenhouses equipped with modern agricultural technologies and an outdoor area protected with shading and hail netting for plants in containers. Sunken cold frames are also in use for creating microclimates within the nursery. They are used to grow vegetables as well as tree seedlings.
Karin is an ideal place for the study of plants, and ATP hosts university students looking for practice in the field. ATP uses the latest technology in grafting, greenhouses and containerization to study and combat against climate change and atmospheric conditions.
The Michael and Virginia Ohanian Environmental Education Center is also situated on the grounds of the nursery and hosts more than 2,500 schoolchildren and teachers each year.
One of Armenian’s most beautiful destination, Karin Nursery is open to tourists from March through October as part of ATP’s Green Tours, and we welcome hundreds of each year from all over the world.
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